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How to choose the packing materials

The first consideration of commodity packaging is how to choose packaging materials. The selection of packaging materials should take into account the following three aspects at the same time: the containers made of selected materials must ensure that the packaged products can reach the hands of consumers in good quality after all the links of circulation and sales; The packing materials must meet the requirements of packing cost and be economical and feasible; The selection of materials must take into account the interests of manufacturers, transportation and sales departments and consumers, so that all three sides can accept. Therefore, the selection of packaging materials should follow the principles of applicability, economy, beauty, convenience and science.jewelry box

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(1)The various properties of applicable packaging materials (from natural protection to social recognition function) are suitable for the packaging function requirements of the packaged goods.watch box

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(2)economy refers to the application of one or more packaging materials, whether from the cost per piece or from the total cost accounting, are the lowest. Although the cost price of some packaging materials themselves is higher, but the processing technology is simple, the production process cost is low, and can be considered when choosing. Therefore, the application of packaging materials should be considered repeatedly.

(3)Beautiful packaging is the outer coat of goods. In the selection of materials, the color and texture of materials will have a great influence on the appearance and form of packaging products.mailer box

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(4)convenient though many packaging materials from the applicable, economy, beautiful Angle in all the right measure, but not in the local procurement, and insufficient quantity available, or cannot supply on time, it will have to change another kind of material, especially some exquisite, expensive and rare packaging materials and accessories, often can appear in short supply, so the application on packaging materials design, must take an examination of Consider the principle of convenience.wig box

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(5) Scientific science refers to whether the selection and application of packaging materials are reasonable, whether the protective function of materials is applied, or the utilization rate of materials, and whether people’s aesthetic value of materials is consistent with the functional needs of products. Eyelash box

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In short, the selection of packaging materials should be able to effectively preserve the packaging, extend the effective storage period of commodities, adapt to the circulation environment, and coordinate with the grade of packaging, to meet the needs of different levels of consumers.
China has become a member of the World Trade Organization. In the context of fierce competition in the international market, the form, pattern, material, color and advertising of packaging have a direct impact on the success of commodity sales. From the selection of packaging materials or
We should also consider the color of the material, the stiffness of the material, the transparency of the material and the price. Different colors will make people have different associations, in the tropical region commodity packaging selection of warm colors sell very well; Goods packaged in blue, grey and green are more likely to sell well in cold areas. The better the stiffness of the material, the better the shelf display effect of the goods, so that customers look at the heart comfortable, so that the appearance of the goods to give people a beautiful and generous feeling. The transparency of packaging materials can make the goods themselves directly become advertisements, telling customers the shape and color of the products, especially some small goods. The price of materials has a great impact on the sales of packaging. For gift packaging, the high price of materials, good decorative effect and good protection are the hopes of ordinary people. But for the customer’s own goods, the packaging material price should not be too expensive, so that customers will feel genuine, less money to do more.

Post time: Oct-13-2022