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Classification and properties of packaging box materials

Classification and properties of packaging materials
There are so many kinds of packing materials that we can classify them from different angles.
1 According to the source of materials can be divided into natural packaging materials and processing packaging materials;
2 According to the soft and hard properties of the material can be divided into hard packaging materials, soft packaging materials and semi-hard (between the soft and hard packing materials; Jewelry box
3 According to the material can be divided into wood, metal, plastic, glass and ceramic, paper and cardboard, composite
Packing materials and other materials;
4 From the perspective of ecological cycle, it can be divided into green packaging materials and non-green packaging materials.
Performance of packaging materials
The properties of materials used for packaging involve many aspects. From the point of view of the use value of commodity packaging, packaging materials should have the following properties. Mailer box
1. Proper protection performance Protection performance refers to the protection of internal products. Within in order to ensure product quality, to prevent its deterioration, should according to the different requirements of different products for packing, choose appropriate mechanical strength, moisture-proof, waterproof, acid and alkali corrosion, heat resistant, cold resistant, oil resistant, pervious to light, breathable, uv penetration, able to adapt to the temperature change, the material of non-toxic, no smell, to keep the shape of the inner product, function, the smell, the color match Design requirements. Eyelash box
2 Easy processing operation performance Easy processing operation performance mainly refers to the material according to the packaging requirements, easy processing into containers and easy packaging, easy filling, easy sealing, high efficiency and adapt to automatic packaging machinery operation, to meet the needs of large-scale industrial production. Wig box
3 Appearance decoration performance Appearance decoration performance mainly refers to the shape, color, texture of the material beauty, can produce display effect, improve the grade of goods, meet the aesthetic needs of consumers and stimulate consumers to buy desire.
4 Convenient use performance Convenient use performance mainly refers to the container made of materials containing products, easy to open the packaging and take out the contents, easy to re-close and not easy to break, etc.
5 Cost saving performance packaging materials should be from a wide range of sources, convenient materials, low cost.
6 Easy recycling performance Easy recycling performance mainly refers to the packaging materials to be conducive to environmental protection, is conducive to saving resources, environmentally friendly, as far as possible to choose green packaging materials mailer box 

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The useful properties of packaging materials, on the one hand, come from the characteristics of the material itself, on the other hand, also come from the processing technology of various materials. With the development of science and technology, a variety of new materials, new technologies continue to appear. Packaging materials to meet the useful performance of commodity packaging is constantly improving.

Post time: Nov-02-2022